XOFFSET is the jGraph module of jLab.

 XOFFSET  Offsets lines in the x-direction after plotting.
    XOFFSET allows data to be manipulated after it has been plotted, by
    operating on the data stored in the figure itself.  This may be used 
    only with 2-D line plots (not symbol plots, contour plots, etc.). 
    XOFFSET offsets all lines in the current axes a specified amount.
    XOFFSET(N) or XOFFSET N, where N is a *real* number, offsets each
    column of the X-data by an amount N from the previous column.  N must 
    be a number, not a variable whose value is a number.
    XOFFSET(N) or XOFFSET N, where N is an *imaginary* number, offsets
    each column of the X-data by an amount imag(N)*DX from the previous 
    column, where DX is the X-axis length of the original (unoffset) plot.
    XOFFSET(M,N) or XOFFSET M N, applies the same offsets to each of M 
    groups of lines. For example, for complex-valued data Z use UVPLOT(Z) 
    followed by XOFFSET 2 N.
    XOFFSET with no arguments returns the data to its original (unoffset) 
    orientation [as do XOFFSET(0) and XOFFSET(0i)].
    XOFFSET also allow multiple axes to be manipulated simultaneously.
    XOFFSET LOCK and XOFFSET UNLOCK lock and unlock all Y-data in the
    current figure. When LOCK is on, calls to XOFFSET are applied to each
    subplot individually.
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2000--2015 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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