VSTD is the jVarfun module of jLab.

 VSTD Standard deviation over non-NaN elements along a specfied dimension.
    Y=VSTD(X,DIM) takes the standard deviation of all non-NaN elements of X 
    along dimension DIM.
    [Y,NUM]=VSTD(X,DIM) also outputs the number of non-NaN data points NUM, 
    which is the same size as X.
    VSTD uses the "1/N" normalization, where N is the number of data points,
    rather than the "1/(N-1)" normalization.
    If X is complex-valued, X=XR+1i*XI, the stardard deviation as it is
    formally defined is not particularly meaningful.  Therefore, the output
    of VSTD is redefined such that Y=VSTD(XR,DIM)+1i*VSTD(XI,DIM).
    [Y1,Y2,...YN]=VSTD(X1,X2,...XN,DIM) also works.
    VSTD(X1,X2,...XN,DIM); with no arguments overwrites the original 
    input variables.
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2001--2020 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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