SPHEREINTERP is the jSphere module of jLab.

 SPHEREINTERP  Fast linear interpolation on the sphere from non-plaid grids.
    SPHEREINTERP takes a 2D array ZO, defined for latitudes and longitudes
    LATO and LONO, and linearly interpolates the values of ZO onto a plaid 
    grid defined by 1-D arrays LAT and LON, leading to the output array Z.
    LATO, LONO, and ZO are all the same size.  It is not necessary for LATO
    and LONO to be plaid, i.e. created by MESHGRID. LATO should increase 
    monotonically along array *rows*, while LONO should increase
    monotonically along array *columns*.  Both should vary smoothly as a
    function of the underlying array coordinates.
    SPHEREINTERP is called twice with different arguments, first with four 
    arguments and then with five, as follows:   
    The first phase computes indices into the original LATO, LONO arrays 
    for the target LAT, LON values.  The second phase uses these indices to 
    find linearly interpolated values through an array lookup.  
    The first phase is computationally expensive, but the second is very
    fast.  For intepolating many different fields on the same grid, one 
    only needs to make the first call to SPHEREINTERP one time, thus
    giving a computationally efficient way to perform the interpolation.
    If LATO and LONO are a plaid grid, INTERP2 will be much faster and
    should be used instead.
    It is not necessary to understand the details of these two calls to
    SPHEREINTERP, however for completeness they are described below. 
    Periodicity in longitude
    SPHEREINTERP(LATO,LONO,LAT,LON,'periodic') adapts the first phase 
    calculation to account for periodicity in longitude.  This option 
    should be used if LATO and LONO represent the entire sphere. 
    In this case, LATO and LONO should be periodic in the column direction,
    that is, the column just to the right of the last column is understood
    to be represented by the first column. 
    SPHEREINTERP(LATO,LONO,LAT,LON,'parallel') parallelizes the first 
    phase of the calculation using a PARFOR loop. This requires that 
    Matlab's Parallel Computing Toolbox be installed. 
    Condition number
    arguments for the first phase call also outputs C, the condition number
    of the Jacobian matrix of the LATO,LONO grid at each LAT/LON location.  
    If there are locations where this matrix is ill-conditioned, one may 
    form a threshold on C to revert to the nearest-neighbor interpolation, 
    which can be output as described below under 'Second phase details.'
    First phase details: index computation
    in the original LATO, LONO fields nearest each target LAT, LON point, 
    as well as the three points adjacent to this closest point.  
    DX and DY are arrays of the same size as LAT and LON giving the column
    and row deviations, respectively, within LATO and LONO from the closest
    point in those arrays to the linearly interpolated LAT/LON value.
    The closest original point to each target point is found using 
    SPHEREDIST.  The DX and DY arrays are found from the observed lat/lon
    deviations by inverting (using MATINV) the Jacobian matrix describing
    the variation of LATO and LONO with respect to the array coordinates.
    INDEX is a cell array with four elements, each of which is the same
    size as LAT and LON.  It gives the locations within LATO and LONO of
    the closest point to each target point, and of three adjacent points.
    Specifically, INDEX{1} gives the index into LATO and LONO of the
    original point nearest each target point.  INDEX{2} is the index into
    the closer of the two original points in an adjacent *column* to the
    closest point, INDEX{3} is likewise in an adjacent *row* to the closest 
    point, and INDEX{4} is in both an adjacent row and an adjacent column.
    BOOL is a boolean array that is true whenever all four of the indices 
    in INDEX are well-defined. 
    Second phase details: linear interpolation
    Z=SPHEREINTERP(DX,DY,INDEX,BOOL,ZO) then computes Z as a weighted sum 
    of the ZO values from the four points identified in the first stage:
        Z1 = (1-ABS(DX)).* (1-ABS(DY)) .* ZO(INDEX{1});
        Z2 =    ABS(DX) .* (1-ABS(DY)) .* ZO(INDEX{2});
        Z3 = (1-ABS(DX)).* ABS(DY)     .* ZO(INDEX{3});
        Z4 =    ABS(DX) .* ABS(DY)     .* ZO(INDEX{4});
        Z  = Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4;
    For the case in which LATO and LONO are a plaid grid, this matches the
    results from Matlab's INTERP2 to numerical precision. 
    At any points where the linear interpolation fails or yields NaNs---as 
    can happen where the inversion of the Jacobian is not numerically 
    stable, or where interpolated locations point to undefined values of 
    the original field (e.g. near coastlines)---the nearest-neighbor fit
    is substituted in place of the linear interpolation.
    [Z,Z1]=SPHEREINTERP(DX,DY,INDEX,BOOL,ZO) also outputs Z1, the nearest-
    neighbor interpolation, for comparison.  Then LENGTH(FIND(Z==Z1)) gives
    the number of points for which the nearest-neighbor fit has been used.
    The above two figures provide an example of using SPHEREINTERP.  The
    relevant code is contained in MAKEFIGS_SPHEREINTERP.
    The left-hand figure shows sea surface height from an ocean model which
    uses a "tripolar" grid.  Note that at high Northern latitudes, features 
    are not only strectched, they are also distorted.  Using SPHEREINTERP 
    the model fields are mapped onto a regular lat/lon grid, seen at right. 
    The figure at the top of the page is the sea surface height gradient 
    magnitude of the interpolated field, showing a very high level of
    detail.  Some minor artifacts at two locations in the Arctic reveal
    the locations where the model grid is singular.  
    Computing the initial mapping coefficients on the models rougly 1/8 
    degree grid is computationally very expensive, and takes about 1.5
    hours on a 12 core Mac Pro working in parallel mode.  After that,
    however, the mapping for each time step takes only about one second
    using the second call to SPHEREINTERP.  
    The model data is from a simulation using the GFDL's Generalized Ocean
    Layered Model, or GOLD, kindly provided by Harper Simmons at the
    University of Alaska Fairbanks.
    'sphereinterp --t' runs a test.
    'sphereinterp --f' generates the two figures shown above.
    Usage: [dx,dy,index,bool]=sphereinterp(lato,lono,lat,lon,'parallel');
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2017--2022 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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