RIDGEMAP is the jRidges module of jLab.

 RIDGEMAP  Maps ridge quantities back onto the time series.
    X=RIDGEMAP(M,XR,IR) where IR is a ridge index and XR is a quantity 
    along the ridge, maps the values of XR to their correct row locations 
    in a time series of length M, and returns the result in the array X.
    If IR and XR contain L different ridges separated by NaNs, as output by
    RIDGEWALK, then X is M x L with the values of XR from each ridge in a 
    separate column. Values not specified by the IR are left as NaNs. 
    [X1,X2,...,XM]=RIDGEMAP(M,X1R,X2R,...,XPR,IR) also works for any P
    different ridge quantities X1R--XPR.
    When using RIDGEWALK's joint ridges algorithm, in which some quantities
    have more than one column, they should be passed to RIDGEMAP 
    individually, for example [X1,X2]=RIDGEMAP(M,X(:,1),X(:,2),IR).
    X=RIDGEMAP(...'collapse') combines values from all the ridges using
    a power-weighted mean.  Then X is a column vector of size M x 1.
    Ridge multiplicity
    [...,MULT]=RIDGEMAP returns the ridge multiplicity MULT after all the
    expected output quantities.  MULT is a column vector with size M x 1.
    The ridge multiplicity is the number of ridges present at each time.     
    See also RIDGEWALK.
    'ridgemap --t' runs some a test.
    Usage:   x=ridgemap(M,xr,ir);
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2009--2019 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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