JPCOLOR is the jGraph module of jLab.

 JPCOLOR  Modified version of PCOLOR appropriate for cell-centered grids.
    JPCOLOR(XMID,YMID,Z) makes a PCOLOR plot with XMID and YMID marking the
    *centers* of the cells of Z.  X and Y need to be monotonic, but do not 
    need to have uniform spacing.
    This is unlike PCOLOR(X,Y,Z), where X and Y mark the cell *edges*.  
    Similarly, unlike PCOLOR, JPCOLOR does not throw away the last row and
    column of Z. It also specifies the axes to be centered on the cells.
    JPCOLOR also automatically applies SQUEEZE to Z, which is useful for 
    working with slices of multidimensional datasets.
    The default shading for JPCOLOR is FLAT rather than FACETED.  JPCOLOR
    also sets the level of the PCOLOR image to the back of the plot, and 
    sets the axis layer to the top so that tickmarks are not obscured.
    The color axes are set to the 0.1% and 99.9% data quantiles using
    COLORQUANT, rather than to the minimum and maximum data values. 
    H=JPCOLOR(...) returns the handle H to the PCOLOR image.
    Adding a colorbar
    JPCOLOR(...,LABEL), where LABEL is a string containing a colorbar
    label, e.g. 'Temperature', adds a colorbar and labels it accordingly.
    JPCOLOR(...,LABEL,LOC) puts the colorbar in location LOC.  LOC is one
    of the eight strings 'N','S','E','W','NO','SO','EO','WO', corresponding
    to the eight locations options discussed in COLORBAR.
    JPCOLOR(...,[],LOC) adds a colorbar in location LOC with no label.
    [H,HC]=JPCOLOR(...) also returns the handle HC to the colorbar.
    'jpcolor --f' generates a figure showing the differences from PCOLOR.
    Usage: jpcolor(z)
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2014--2020 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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