jCell is a module of jLab.

  jCell:  Tools for operating on cell arrays of column vectors
  Basic mathematical operations
    cellabs    - Absolute value of each element in a cell array.                    
    cellmax    - Maximum of each element in a cell array.                           
    cellmin    - Minimum of each element in a cell array. 
    cellsum    - Sum of each element a cell array, possibly weighted.
    cellmean   - Mean value of each element a cell array, possibly weighted.  
    cellstd    - Standard deviation of each element a cell array, possibly weighted.
    cellmed    - Median value of each element a cell array.
    cellreal   - Real part of each element in a cell array.                         
    cellimag   - Imaginary part of each element in a cell array.
    cellpair   - Complex pairing for elements in a cell array.
    celllog10  - Base ten logarithm of each element in a cell array.
    celladd    - Addition acting on each element in a cell array.                   
    cellmult   - Multiplication acting on each element in a cell array.   
    celldiv    - Division acting on each element in a cell array.
    celldot    - Dot product for arrays of column vectors.
  Reshaping, indexing, and sizes
    cell2col   - Converts cell arrays of numeric arrays into 'column-appended' form.
    col2cell   - Converts 'column-appended' data into cell arrays of numeric arrays.
    cellindex  - Applies a cell array of indices to a cell array of column vectors. 
    cellchunk  - Converts cell array data into uniform length 'chunks'.             
    cellength  - Length of each element in a cell array.                            
    cellsize   - Size of each element in a cell array along specified dimension.
    cellget    - Indexes a cell array of numerical arrays by ID number.
    cellimit   - Limits the ranges of times in a cell array of numerical arrays.
  Data processing
    cellstrip  - Strips INF values from the beginnings or ends of cell arrays.
    cellsplit  - Splits cell arrays of numeric arrays at data gaps.
    cellprune  - Removes all empty cells, or cells less than a specified length.
    cellpack   - Removes all INF values from cell arrays of numeric arrays.
    cellfill   - Fills missing data marked by INFs in a cell array.
    cellgrid   - Interpolate a cell array of numeric arrays onto a regular grid.
    cellfirst  - Returns the first element of each entry in a cell array.
    cellplot   - Rapidly plot all element of a cell array of numeric arrays. 
  See also jVarfun.

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