CURVEMOMENTS is the jOceans module of jLab.

 CURVEMOMENTS  Centroid, area, and many other moments of a closed curve.
    CURVEMOMENTS returns various moments of a closed curve.  These occur in 
    two sets, moments of the curve itself, and moments of the velocity
    meausured along the curve.
    Curve moments: Centroid, arc length, area, moment of inertia, etc.
    [XO,YO,KAPPA,R,L,A,B,THETA]=CURVEMOMENTS(XC,YC), where the closed curve 
    is specified by the column vectors XC and YC, returns the following:
        XO    -- X-component of the centroid of the enclosed region     
        YO    -- Y-component of the centroid of the enclosed region
        KAPPA -- root-mean-square distance from the curve to the centroid
        R     -- area radius, defined such that pi R^2 is the enclosed area    
        L     -- arc length along the curve    
        A     -- major axis of the area moment of inertia 
        B     -- minor axis of the area moment of inertia 
        THETA -- orientation angle of the area moment of inertia 
    Note that the last three quantities describe the area moment of inertia
    as an ellipse with semi-axes length A and B, and orientation THETA. 
    The moments are calculated from the curve (XC,YC) using expressions
    for converting spatial to line integrals derived from Green's theorem.
    XC and YC may be matrices, with each column specifying a different 
    closed curve.  In this case, all curves must contain the same number 
    of points, corresponding to the rows.  No NaNs may be present. 
    XC and YC may also be cell arrays of column vectors.  In this case, the 
    moments will be numerical arrays with the same lengths as XC and YC.
    The above figure illustrates an application of CURVEMOMENTS to a
    quasigeostrophic eddy field from QGSNAPSHOT.  The blue curves are
    curves of constant Okubo-Weiss parameter.  These are well matched by
    the red curves, constructed from the second central moment quantites
    A, B, and THETA, and centered at the curve centroids XO, YO.  
    Velocity moments: Vorticity, angular momentum, kinetic energy, etc.
    CURVEMOMENTS can also compute various moments based on the velocity.
    complex-valued velocity ZC=U+iV along the curve, returns the following:
        ZETA  -- spatially-averaged vorticity  
        DIV   -- spatially-averaged divergence    
        SIGMA -- spatially-averaged shear strain
        NU    -- spatially-averaged normal strain  
        MOM   -- average angular momentum along the curve
        KE    -- average kinetic energy along the curve
    For the velocity moments, CURVEMOMENTS expects XC and YC to have units
    of km while ZC is in cm/s.  ZETA, DIV, SIGMA, and NU then have units of
    1/s, MOM and MOMSTD have units of cm^2/s, and KE has units of cm^2/s^2.
    Note that ZETA and DIV are computed as integrals of the tangential and
    normal velocities along the curve, respectively, then converted to area 
    averages by applying Stokes' theorem and the divergence theorem.  The
    strain components SIGMA and NU are similarly computed using an extended
    version of Stokes' thereom derived by Lilly (2018).
    MOM is the average angular momentum along the curve with respect to the
    curve centroid. KE is the average value of the kinetic energy along the
    curve, a velocity quantity analagous to averaged squared distance D^2.
    'curvemoments --t' runs some tests.
    'curvemoments --f' generates the above figure.
    Usage: [xo,yo]=curvemoments(xc,yc);
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2013--2015 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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