BELLPOLY is the jCommon module of jLab.

 BELLPOLY  Complete Bell polynomials.
    BN=BELLPOLY(K1,K2,...KN) with N arguments returns the Nth order 
    complete Bell polynomial BN.  
    For details, see the article at Wikipedia:
    The Bell polynomials are used by Lilly and Olhede (2008b) to
    create terms called "instantaneous modulation functions" 
    quantifying signal time variability.  
    BCELL=BELLPOLY(KCELL) also works, where KCELL is a cell array 
    containing N elements of identical size.  
    BELLPOLY uses an iterative algorithm.
    See also CUM2MOM, INSTMOM.
    'bellpoly --t' runs some tests.
    Usage: [b1,b2,b3]=bellpoly(k1,k2,k3);
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2007--2009 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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