ANATRANS is the jSpectral module of jLab.

 ANATRANS  Analytic part of signal.
    XP=ANATRANS(X) returns the analytic part of the real-valued signal X,
    which is a column vector or a matrix with 'time' in columns. 
    XP is defined for real X such that X = REAL(XP) = 1/2*(XP+CONJ(XP)).
    ANATRANS removes the mean of the signal.  It does not detrend, so if 
    your time series has a linear trend you may wish to call DETREND first. 
    [XP1,XP2,...,XPM]=ANATRANS(X1,X2,...,XM) also works for multiple input
    ANATRANS(X,DIM) optionally applies the analytic transform along 
    dimension DIM, instead of along the first dimension.
    Complex-valued signals
    [ZP,ZN]=ANATRANS(Z,CONJ(Z)) returns the analytic part ZP of the 
    complex-valued signal Z, and the analytic part ZN of its conjugate.
    The normalization for complex-valued signals differs from that for 
    real valued signals.  ZP and ZN are defined such that Z=ZP+CONJ(ZN). 
    The analytic part of a real-valued signal and that of a complex-valued 
    signal are thus defined differently by a factor of two, following the 
    convention of Lilly and Gascard (2006) and Lilly and Olhede (2010).
    Note that the equality Z=ZP+CONJ(ZN) is not necessarily exact, due to 
    issues relating to boundary effects from the time series edges.
    Boundary conditions
    ANATRANS(...,STR), where STR is a string, optionally specifies the
    boundary condition to be imposed at the edges of the time series.  
    Valid options for STR are 
          STR = 'periodic' for periodic boundary conditions 
          STR = 'zeros' for zero-padding beyond the endpoints 
          STR = 'mirror' for reflecting the time series at both ends
    The default value of STR is 'mirror', as this tends to minimize the
    `edge effects' that occur near the ends of the time series.
    Returning frequency domain version
    ANATRANS(...,'frequency') suppresses a final inverse Fourier transform, 
    so that output fields will be analytic signals in the frequency domain.
    This is mainly useful for calculation of frequency-domain moments, as
    in FREQMOM, for large datasets where optimization is a priority.
    The 'frequency' flag implies a 'periodic' boundary condition, so a 
    separate boundary condition flag cannot be used in this case.
    'anatrans --t' runs some tests.
    Usage: z=anatrans(x);
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2004--2019 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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