Using Jupyter Notebooks and JupyterLab with Matlab
April 22, 2023
Jupyter Notebooks offer a powerful and widely used platform for creating interactive scripts and journals. JupyterLab is the next-generation environment for Jupyter Notebooks that includes, among other things, a tabbed interface for multiple notebooks. These can now be set up to work with Matlab thanks to the new Matlab Integration for Jupyter. ... ⟶
Meditation for Scientists
February 9, 2020
If I were somehow able to go back in time twenty or thirty years to meet with my past self, the first thing I would say would be, “You need to learn to meditate as soon as possible”. ⟶
Portable scientific presentations for web browsers with Liminal
January 8, 2020
When it comes to creating scientific presentations, particularly those with a lot of equations, the major tools at our disposal are all cumbersome in one way or another. This post describes another solution that is easy to learn, efficient to use, visually appealing, and readily portable. ⟶
Introducing Ghostly, a personal web site theme using Jekyll
January 7, 2020
Ghostly is a blog-enabled, text-centered Jekyll theme with a minimal aesthetic and fade transitions, intended to meet the needs of academic researchers. This theme comes equipped with a double blog, a lightbox, support for online commenting, and a skeleton site with a readily customizable style. ⟶